Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults 9/23/2014

James D. Senescu, Guest Speaker

Meeting Notes

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James D. Senescu received his B.A. in English from the University of Washington in 1993 and his J.D. in 1997 from Gonzaga University School of Law. Since 2006, he has been in private practice as a partner of Dimitrov, Senescu & Babich, PLLC emphasizing in the protection of vulnerable adults and the litigation of cases involving abuse, neglect and financial exploitation of vulnerable adults via guardianships, probates and civil litigation, actively working with law enforcement to this end. He is a founding member of the Clark County Vulnerable Adult Task Force; an Executive Board member of the Clark County “Elder Justice Center;” and presents at countless trainings locally, statewide and regionally on familial and elder abuse issues to law enforcement, prosecutors, financial institutions, clerks, doctors, attorneys, judges, guardians, social workers, medical professionals and other local groups. He was an adjunct faculty member of Clark College in Vancouver, Washington, serves periodically as a Pro Tempore Superior Court Judge for Clark County, and is a currently appointed Clark County Civil Service Commissioner.